In the days of social media and high resolution surf cams at pretty much every mile of coastline it's easier than ever to check the surf from your couch. "Back in our day" (old salty local voice) you had to go out and actually check the waves. Here are some tips for when you decide to go do that.
- Pretty obvious but don't just check one spot. Variety is the spice of life, and when you can surf a diverse array of waves well, you get more waves, and isn't that more fun? We get it gas costs a lot, so maybe get a bike rack and also get a good warm up in while you're at it.)
- Get out of your car! Look and listen. Take a minute to calm the mind and live in the moment, brah.
- Check to see what the tide is doing. Going low, high, what's the height? These factors can greatly affect the way the locations you are checking will handle the swell for your upcoming session. For reef breaks: too low and you'll be dragging fins, too high and the wave might not be breaking at all. For beach breaks: higher tides typically produce weaker, softer waves that are harder to catch. Low tides can make them steep and fast. Causing the takeoff zone to be more critical.
- Check the wind: speed, direction, and projections. If the wind is projected to clock around a different direction in an hour, maybe it's best to go to that sheltered spot which handles that wind direction better?
- Some spots offer up better lefts while others might have better rights. These can all be affected by swell direction & period so those are some things to also consider. Depending on your stance and ability level this can make you have a better session if you are looking for your preferred direction.
- Crowd Factor: How crowded is it now, and what do you think it will be (i.e. is the 5pm shift about to get off work, and come blow out the spot?) If there are 100 people out at your favorite break don't be part of the problem. If you don't have the ability to surf there well maybe opt for just up the beach or a different spot entirely. You'll get more waves too.
- Board Choise: If it's small and weak with pick and choose corners maybe opt to ride a longer and wider board to increase the wave count. Alternatively, if it's bigger and steeper maybe opt for your more performance board, and on some waves you might want to go even bigger than above, haha.
Have any other tips? Please share them in the comments section!